Call for Papers
What is Asian Cinema?
Proposal Submission Deadline Extended:
1 December 2024
We invite paper and panel proposals to present at the 14th Asian Cinema Studies Society conference to be held at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) during May 22-24, 2025. Proposal submission deadline is 1 December 2024.
About ACSS
Founded in 1984, ACSS has established Asian cinema studies communities globally, fostering interdisciplinary connections with scholars, researchers, practitioners and students of related habitats that celebrate diversity in terms of outlooks and perspectives. It has held conferences, usually with institutes of higher learning, including film festivals, in Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, UK and USA, as well as in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, and Shanghai. Its flagship publication ASIAN CINEMA, indexed and double-refereed, award-winning, and published by Intellect (UK) biannually, is a top film journal in the field, offering a prominent platform for dialogues and debates.